The goal of this course is to become familiar with the current state of modern research in cybersecurity.
In addition, students will become familar with the research process and how experts review research papers.
Course Info
Course Number: CSE 691 (29866)
Instructor: Prof. Adam Doupé
Meeting Times: Wednesdays, 12:00pm–2:45pm (BYENG M1-09 and Zoom passcode provided on slack, ask instructor for access)
Throughout this course, we will emulate the Program Committee discussions that take place while a paper is under review.
First, students will split into groups for the duration of the semester. We will jointly decide the number of groups, and group number should be roughly equal.
Each week, each group will have one of the following roles (with roles rotating through groups fairly):
- Lead Reviewer (one per week)
- Meta Reviewer (one per week)
- Reviewer
By EOD the Wednesday before, the Lead Reviewer will choose the paper to be discussed.
The Lead Reviewer and Reviewers will submit a review of the paper before EOD Tuesday. Note that groups are responsible for deciding how to write the review. They can rotate review writing responsibilities per week, or collaboratively write reviews.
During class on Wednesday, the Lead Reviewer is responsible for presenting the paper to the class and leading a discussion about the strengths and weaknesses of the paper.
After class on Wednesday, the Meta Reviewer is responsible for summarizing the discussion and posting a blog post on the course blog.
Choosing Papers
Papers chosen must be from CCS 2021 or NDSS 2022.
Course Communication
All communication will occur in the course’s slack channel. Contact the professor to get access.
Students will be evaluated on their performance and participation in the course paper presentations and discussions.
Special Accommodations
Students requesting disability accommodations should register with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) and present the instructor with appropriate documentation from the DRC.
Syllabus Update
Information in the syllabus, may be subject to change with reasonable advance notice.
Title IX
Title IX is a federal law that provides that no person be excluded on the basis of sex from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity. Both Title IX and university policy make clear that sexual violence and harassment based on sex is prohibited. An individual who believes they have been subjected to sexual violence or harassed on the basis of sex can seek support, including counseling and academic support, from the university. If you or someone you know has been harassed on the basis of sex or sexually assaulted, you can find information and resources at
As mandated reporters, we are obligated to report any information we become aware of regarding alleged acts of sexual discrimination, including sexual violence and dating violence. ASU Counseling Services, is available if you wish to discuss any concerns confidentially and privately. ASU online students may access 360 Life Services,