Principles of Programming Languages - F15

CSE 340

Project 3 (100 points)

Project 3 is due 10/7/15 on or before 11:59:59pm MST.

Your goal is to write, in C or C++, a program that reads in a description of a context free grammar, then, depending on the command line argument passed to the program, outputs either the FIRST sets for all non-terminals in the grammar or FOLLOW sets for all non-terminals in the grammar. The input grammar will be given on standard input (stdin), and your program will output either the FIRST sets or the FOLLOW sets to standard out (stdout). Specifications for the input grammar and output follow, and they must be followed precisely.

Reading Command-line Arguments

The following piece of C code shows how to read the first command line argument and call a function based on the argument value:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main (int argc, char* argv[])
    int task;
    if (argc < 2)
        printf("Error: missing argument\n");
        return 1;

    /* Note that by convention argv[0] is the name of your executable,
     * and the first argument to your program is stored in argv[1]
    task = atoi(argv[1]);

    // Read the input grammar at this point

    switch (task) {
        case 1:
            // Calculate FIRST sets for the input grammar
            // Output the FIRST sets in the exact order and format required
        case 2:
            // Calculate FOLLOW sets for the input grammar
            // Output the FOLLOW sets in the exact order and format required
            printf("Error: unrecognized task number %d\n", task);
    return 0;

Grammar Description

The grammar specification has multiple sections separated by the # symbol. The grammar specification is terminated with ##. If there are any symbols after the ##, they are ignored. All grammar symbols, as well as the # and ## symbols, are whitespace-separated. The grammar description is a context-free grammar as follows:

S → Non-terminal-list Rule-list DOUBLEHASH
Non-terminal-list → ID-list HASH
ID-list → ID ID-list | ID
Rule-list → Rule Rule-list | Rule
Rule → ID ARROW Right-hand-side HASH
Right-hand-side → ID-list | ε

The tokens used in the grammar description are:

ID = letter(letter|digit)*
HASH = #
ARROW = ->

where (note that digit is 0-9 and letter is all uppercase and lowercase letters, same as we have been using in class, however we define them here to be precise):

digit = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9

letter = a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o
         | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | A | B | C | D | E 
         | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V
         | W | X | Y | Z

In this project, we assume that there is at least one whitespace character (where whitespace is defined as an input that causes the isspace function in ctype.h to return 1) between any two tokens. Tokens are case-sensitive.


The first section of the input lists all the non-terminals of the grammar. The first non-terminal in this list is the start symbol of the grammar. The following sections each represent a grammar rule.

A grammar rule starts with a non-terminal symbol (the left-hand side of the rule) followed by ->, then followed by a sequence of zero of more terminals and non-terminals, which represent the right-hand side of the rule. If the sequence of terminals and non-terminals in the right-hand side of a rule is empty, and if the left-hand side of the rule is the non-terminal A, then this represents a rule of the form A → ε.


Here is an example input grammar:

decl idList1 idList #
decl -> idList colon ID #
idList -> ID idList1 #
idList1 -> #
idList1 -> COMMA ID idList1 # ##

The first section is the non-terminals list:

Non-Terminals = { decl, idList1, idList }

The rest of the input (terminated by the double-hash) specifies the grammar rules:

decl → idList colon ID
idList → ID idList1
idList1 → ε
idList1 → COMMA ID idList1

The set of terminals of the grammar consist of all ID tokens that appear in the grammar rules that are not non-terminals (once again, case sensitive). In the example:

Terminals = { colon, ID, COMMA }

Note that even though the example shows that each rule is on a line by itself, a rule can be split into multiple lines, or even multiple rules can be on the same line, according to the formal specification. This input is an equivalent grammar:

decl idList1 idList # decl ->     idList colon ID # idList -> ID idList1 #
idList1 -> #      idList1 -> COMMA ID idList1 #



Your implementation must conform to the CSE 340 projects guideline that the lead TA, Mohsen, has written. You are welcome to use code from lexer.c and lexer.h from the previous project.


Your program should read in the input grammar from standard input, calculate the FIRST and FOLLOW sets for all non-terminals in the input grammar, then output the FIRST and FOLLOW sets exactly as described in the following.

Task 1: FIRST Sets

For each of the non-terminals of the input grammar, in the order that they appear in the non-terminal section of the input, compute the FIRST set for that non-terminal and output one line in the following format:

FIRST(<symbol>) = { <set_items> }

Where <symbol> should be replaced by the non-terminal and <set_items should be replace by the comma-separated list of elements of the FIRST set ordered in the following manner:

  • If ε belongs in the set, represent it as #
  • If ε belongs in the set, it should be listed before any other elements
  • All other elements of the set should be sorted in dictionary order (specifically, the C function strcmp from string.h defines the sorting order)


The output for the example grammar given previously when run with the command line argument of 1 like ./a.out 1:

FIRST(decl) = { ID }
FIRST(idList1) = { #, COMMA }
FIRST(iDList) = { ID }

Task 2: FOLLOW Sets

For each of the non-terminals of the input grammar, in the order that they appear in the non-terminals section of the input, compute the FOLLOW set for that non-terminal and output one line in the following format:

FOLLOW(<symbol>) = { <set_items> }

Where <symbol> should be replaced by the non-terminal and <set_items> should be replaced by the comma-separated list of elements of the FOLLOW set ordered in the following manner:

  • If EOF belongs in the set, represent it as $
  • If EOF belongs in the set, it should be listed before any other elements
  • All other elements of the set should be sorted in dictionary order (specifically, the C function strcmp from string.h defines the sorting order)


The output for the example grammar given previously when run with the command line argument of 2 like ./a.out 2:

FOLLOW(decl) = { $ }
FOLLOW(idList1) = { colon }
FOLLOW(idList) = { colon }


Your submission will be graded on passing the automated test cases.

The test cases (there will be multiple test cases in each category, each with equal weight) will be broken down in the following way (out of 100 points):

  • Calculating FIRST sets for grammars without ε: 50 points
  • Calculating FIRST sets for grammars with ε: 20 points
  • Calculating FOLLOW sets for grammars without ε: 25 points
  • Calculating FOLLOW sets for grammars with ε: 5 points

Note that test cases must match the output exactly, and no partial credit will be given.


Submit your project here before the deadline.


This project description was adapted from Prof. Rida Bazzi, and is used with permission.